Day 2 Men’s Bible Study

DAY 2 July 9: Bible Reading Plan called “How to Read Your Bible: Video Devotions From Your Time of Grace.” It is on the free YouVersion Bible App. Comment what you got out of today’s devotional by clicking just to the top right of this post where it says “Comments.” Thanks for participating.


5 thoughts on “Day 2 Men’s Bible Study”

  1. The Gospel is Jesus loving us enough to come down and pay the price for our sin despite our imperfections. Genesis 3:15 says He paid suffered “bruised heel” to defeat Satan “crush his head.”

  2. Why was the only tree they could not eat of, in the middle of the garden. The middle being the core, the central most part, the place of substance between start & finish, the most pivotal point? Or rather, what is the significance? What does it truly mean to die? What is it about knowing the knowledge of good & evil that causes you to die? Maybe it’s not the knowledge itself, but what one chooses to do after knowing. Maybe death comes because of the corruption caused to the soul through sin to the flesh. Which then in turn, causes one to turn completely away from our Creator, who is Life, & then because we believe now we are like God according to what the serpent said, we believe we don’t need God & we become cut off & we die…Wow so in light of all that, Jesus decided to wear corrupted flesh & not only died but was killed, so that we, in our fallen nature, have the option to choose life & be reconciled with God. Wow Jesus did all that for us? For me? I’m humbled….

  3. Cresar that was profound!!!! It is beautiful to know there is redemption. No matter what we have done, God loved us enough to give us the Gospel.of his Son Jesus Christ! We are not worthy, yet he sees it differently! An amazing God he is!

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