About Us

Hoops Church Mission Statement: The Mission of Hoops Church is to reach the lost and give them the hope of a new life with a relationship with Jesus.
Method of accomplishing this: Teach, Disciple and Serve.
- Teach the Gospel. Understand your potential in Christ.
- Disciple by developing relationships with Hoops Church attendees to mentor them into a positive lifestyle which emphasizes Godly living. Godly living encompasses: Spirit, Soul and Bodily health.
- Serve God by serving others in our community and abroad.
Purpose of Hoops Church: To provide free, open gym to ages 13 and up, in order to bring the lsot to Christ and help them develop and meaningful and healthy lifestyle.
Long Term Goals of Hoops Church:
- To end fatherless homes in our community.
- To end the cycle of poverty by having each member of Hoops Church graduate from college or complete training in a particular trade.
- To end racism in our community by encouraging meaningful activities and relationships between participants.