Day 3 Men’s Bible Study

Day 3: God used the Old Testament to show us we needed a perfect representative, sacrifice and king .

4 thoughts on “Day 3 Men’s Bible Study”

  1. Day 3
    I like how the specific roles of the prophets, priests and kings were broken down in lay terms as well how they had all at one point fallen short. And all the while the people are waiting for the perfect representative, unblemished and without sin…and the would be Jesus

  2. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”
    Hebrews 1:9 NIV
    i just thought it was interesting that here it says “therefore God, Your God,”
    Is saying that God the Father is God to Jesus God the Son who is God to us if we believe in our hearts what He did on the cross for us so that now we share in the inheritance of being sons of God & He who is called Father is now or Father!
    I had way more to say but it got deleted 3 times so what was meant to be said was this right here!

  3. Ha ha great stuff my brother. I don’t think anything meaningful was lost in the comment. Powerful message bro! Praise God.

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