Real Men Worship Devotional Day 1

Worship Devotional Day 1

Day 1 Intro: I wanted to create this reading plan for men to grow in the area of worship to God. I searched long and hard for an appropriate reading plan on this topic but couldn’t find one tailored for men, so God spoke to me about writing my own.

I grew up in church, but for many years never really enjoyed or participated in worship time.

I would usually sit there, not feeling anything.

I never stood or lifted my hands, much less sing.

I’d often wonder, “why am I like this during worship time?” I would often feel heaviness on me during worship time.

After I accepted Jesus as my savior in 2011, I had no problem raising my hands and singing in church or alone in home or in the car.

But I still wondered, “why was there so much opposition for me worshiping at church?”

As a born again Christian, I now understand that Satan knows the power of a man worshiping God. He fears a man surrendered to God enough to raise his hands and sing to his first love.

Satan knows that a man leading his family by being a positive role model during worship time can break generations of family curses. He knows that like King David, there is something so beautiful about a man, a REAL man, worshiping God.

Now I understand that worship isn’t limited to singing and playing instruments. There’s dancing, there’s serving, there’s giving offering and the way you live all are worship to God.

However for the purpose of this plan, we will focus specifically on participating in worship with music.

Private worship vs corporate worship

Private worship is done in your secret or inner room, aka prayer room/area or in your car. Do it wherever you can give God the attention He needs.

I prefer my office study at home for the more intimate type worship. I’ll put on a song and just meditate on His goodness. I’ll begin to thank God for all He’s done for me. Then I may read some of the Bible and pray a little more, with some more worship and progress to  singing along. No method is better than another, just go with what the Spirit leads you into.

Corporate worship is powerful: For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”- Matthew 18:20. Miracles happen when we come together and worship God, by  filling the atmosphere with praises to God and acknowledging who He is. Words of prophecy and knowledge flow easily. Even a bold faith begins to rise up.

Praise and worship doesn’t have to stop there. Begin to worship as a family at home. Taking time each week to have your family join together and worship God through song, music, dance, poetry, etc. You’ll see how the environment changes in your home. A whole new atmosphere arises as you incorporate worship into your life. If tension or stress is common at home, put on some worship music and see it begin to disappear,  as you all surrender to worshiping the one and only true God.

If you have a stressful ride in your car, put on some worship music and change the atmosphere. Sing along with your family if they’re with you.

On my way to work I often have worship music playing as I sing along and pray in between. Even while at my desk I have worship music on as I do paperwork. Even as I workout I play worship music.

Worshiping is surrendering to God. Not just for that moment in time, but also surrendering your heart. By taking time out to worship Him, you’re putting His agenda ahead of your own. Think about it: as you stand there with your hands held high in worship at church or on your knees alone at home soaking in His presence, you are surrendering to Him. Hands up= surrender and also a sign of victory. Like a runner crossing the finish line with his hands up. Or on your knees or prostrate like someone addressing a king at his throne. Worship is powerful men!

Read these verses:

Nehemiah 9:5-6 NIV …“Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.” “Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.

*Song: I give myself away by William McDowell

4 thoughts on “Real Men Worship Devotional Day 1”

  1. This is great!

    I really like what you said about Private Worship VS Corporate Worship. I worship at home with the family sometimes, but I know it needs to be more often. I’ve noticed that there is much opposition worshiping at church when I have not worshiped or spent time with God at home on my alone time and with my family. As you mentioned worship has to be incorporated in our daily life.

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